
In 2019, I received an award from IFRATH for my PhD on the topic of tangible maps and diagrams for visually impaired people.
In 2015, I received an award from Google for my achievements as a young female computer scientist.

Research topics

At the HICUP Lab, I studied how people interact and engage with interactive web documentaries, through data-based analyses of iOtok, a social issue webdoc describing the life of the last 13 inhabitants of the Croatian island of Biševo, threatened by mass tourism.

During my PhD, I studied how tangible interfaces could improve the accessibility of maps for visually impaired users. My thesis manuscript and a short summary is available here.



We studied the impact and usability of web documentaries, using iOtok as a case study.

Literature reviews

The HICUP Lab has published several book chapters on Augmented Reality. We looked at (environmental) education, reading experience and well-being in the workplace.

Augmented comic books

I helped my new co-workers at the HICUP Lab conduct a study on digitally-augmented comic books.


In 2017, I successfully defended my thesis, entitled “Tabletop tangible maps and diagrams for visually impaired users”.

The Tangible Box

The Tangible Box enhances tactile graphics with tangible interaction, making them interactive and reconfigurable.


BotMap is an actuated tabletop TUI (based on robots) that supports non-visual panning and zooming.

Tangible Reels

The Tangible Reels are a novel type of tangible objects that enable visually impaired users to construct and explore tangible maps and diagrams.

Literature review

Together with Anke Brock, we proposed an exhaustive review of interactive maps for visually impaired users, as well as a new classification.