iOtok is a web documentary composed of 13 episodes that were released on a weekly basis in 2017, in Slovenia and Croatia. It tells the story of the last inhabitants of Biševo, a small croatian island threatened by mass tourism. We use it as a case study to understand how people interact with web-documentaries.
Interactive Web Documentaries: A Case Study of Audience Reception and User Engagement on iOtok. J.Ducasse, K. Pucihar, M. Kljun. 2020. To be published.
Link to the dataset and R analysis
Slides with preliminary results
In short
We looked at several aspects of the reception of iOtok.
- Audience reception: which channels were the most effective? Social media, newsletter, news portal, etc. What do motivate people to return to the website regularly?
- Is interactivity a good thing? In order to acccess the core videos of each episode, users had to click on several elements. We analyse when/whether users quit the web-portal before reaching the video. We also look at how effective the other interactive features were (chat, news portal, audio narrations, etc.)
- How do users consume videos? Do they skip content? Do they binge-watch? In what order to they watch the episodes?
- What was/is the social impact of iOtok? Did it affect the lives of the inhabitants of Biševo? Did it raise awareness?